welcome! this little place has been a space in the back of my mind for a long time. i've worked on the side for years, gaining knowledge and loving the ins and outs of design and photography. 2015 is a year full of chance, excitement, and unknown. i went part time at work to give myself the chance to work in a field i feel passionate about. so i want to say
please take a look around. i am anxious and excited for the future. i've always been a dreamer and a doer. i've been morath screen printing since 2009 and little h prints for the past few years. this space is a new brand and a fresh start. i chose little h creative because it sums up what i love and what i do. a huge thanks goes out to Hershel Self for all his help in making this website possible. i would like to mention this site has a web view and a mobile view. if you are looking on your phone please take the time to look on a computer to get the full site. also, please subscribe to the email list to get exciting news, updates, and freebies right to your inbox. feel free to browse the shop, new items will be coming soon. that's all for now- again, welcome and i'll leave you with this which sums this beautiful and exciting time in our lives.