spring weather came early this year which means peach blossoms came early this year. these beauties come and go really fast and not all varieties of peaches produce large blooms. so it's a hit or miss and i pray i catch them every year.
i've been eyeing a few different orchards in the charlie area waiting for them to be in full bloom and right when they hit full bloom last week we had a lot of rain which weighs them down and they fall easier. the rain stopped in time for me to get home last friday, grab the girls, and go enjoy these beautiful blossoms. it was cloudy and perfect. the girls weren't really up for getting their picture made so we played and i practiced shooting video.
i'm glad i took advantage on friday because by sunday there were nearly all gone. green is peaking out in the trees and soon we will have little peaches hanging from those trees.
these blossoms make me so happy. they remind me summer is near with lots of fresh produce. we are praying we don't get hit with a late freeze. if we do, no peaches will be had.
annie is my little story teller. she plopped herself down in the grass and let her imagination run wild. she is so dramatic and puts so much emphasis into what she says. i love to watch her and pray she stays just like this.
and now, a short video of our time exploring and savoring these beautiful blossoms.