it's been a busy week and i marked a major "to-do" off my list. i finally got my email subscription up! i've had a request for a subscription and it is now available. i do most of my updates on social media, preferably Instagram, and i know there is a large amount of people who aren't on Instagram or Facebook. my hope is that i can keep you updated on sales, business and share some of my thoughts and inspirations with you a bit more easily.
so you can get to know me a little better i am going to answer one question about me/my business in each email. my weekly blog post will include these questions in case you missed the email or didn't have a chance to read. i encourage you if you are a small business owner or part time creative, to stop and think about your answers to these questions. taking this time to stop and reflect has helped me tremendously! and if you ever have a question for me please leave them in the comments!
so here we go
this one is hard, i grew up on a produce farm which was really hard work. i admire and look up to my dad who worked for himself and provided for our family. i always dreamed of working for myself like him but with no clear direction on what that would be. after graduating high school i decided i wanted to be a speech therapist and that lasted one semester. i then went into business marketing with no plan. it wasn't until i took a business entreprenuer class when it all clicked. i loved the class, the professor and it just so happens that semester i bought my current screen printing business. i knew nothing about it but was instantly sold. it has been a lot of trail and error but i am so thankful were it has brought me today.
hands down, friends and family and the other aspect of this is time. running a business takes so much time and energy. this time and energy isn't just associated with "starting out" it's never ending and i think the biggest obstacle is learning how to manage your time so you can give the appropiate amount of time to your family and friends.
i love to socialize and entertain. i love people and i really love my family. since i've taken little h creative full time i have felt an emptiness that comes from not being able to entertain and have my girl time. i miss so many of my friends. i've learned to manage my time to give my family quality time but continue to find a way i can see my friends more. i think it's the phase of life i'm in with young children and a new business. all i can do currently is love life, pray, and be thankful for all that i do have.
i am also including free graphics for social media or your phone wallpaper! here is this weeks free downloads!
so if you haven't already .... go subscribe!!