2017 : embrace it.

2017, i'm glad you are here. i have big news that i can't share with you yet. i have to wait until everything is final and ... it's hard. 

all i can say is this year is going to be a really good year full of new and exciting things. it's going to be an adventure that i don't know where the road leads. 

my 2016 word was TRUST.  (see previous blog post about what trust meant to me)

my 2017 word is EMBRACE.

this year my focus is going to be on embracing this new season of life ryan and i are in. three little ladies a full time and growing business. most days we have no idea what's going on and i'm thankful we have each other on this journey of parenting and owning a business. it can be really hard and i think the only way to get through it is to embrace it. love and cherish these wild moments. 

i am going to work on embracing my faith. giving time to the Lord because He is my everything. He has blessed me so abundantly and i feel like i've lost my fire and need that to be the center of my being, family and business. 

WHAT IS YOUR WORD? i encourage you to stop and think about it. because when you are feeling lost this year all you have to remember is one word. 

i've been answering a question about myself via my email subscription and if encourage you if you haven't already subscribed, sign up. i am going to try and use my newsletters as a way to keep you updated on business news, sales and life. 


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i feel like this question pertains to this time of year. reflection on mistakes to growth. 

yes, i've made a ton of mistakes and most of them in some way, depending on how you look at it, has led to success. 

when i started printing i feel like the first few years were all about mistakes and learning the best way for me to print, prep screens, clean screens, etc. 

when it comes to photography and design projects, i started saying "yes" to everything. any client that came my way i did what they ask. to an extent it's good to go outside your comfort zone and do what your client wants but it also can be a very bad thing. your clients should book you because they love your style and they believe you can capture them. just the way they see themselves everyday.  saying "yes" too much has made me realize what my style is, what i like to shoot, how i edit, what clients i work with and what clients are the best fit for me.  

anytime something goes wrong or i have a bad feeling about a session or project i try to see the positive. with every mistake or unplanned event i hope to gain from it because if i don't, they will happen again and again.