i haven't blogged about my pregnancy much the past 9 months because life has been busy. working, running a store, and preparing for this Fall/Christmas has kept me busy.
i have shared so many of these photos on my instagram account but wanted to take time to post images from maggie's first week here and to write about her birth experience and entrance into this world.
just a quick a recap - i was in labor 28 hours with annie, 18 hours with jane and both times i wanted to go natural. both times i did not. i really didn't have a grand plan for this labor and delivery except i wanted it to be "easier". this pregnancy had been harder and the entire time this baby just felt a little lower. i really did feel like i would go into labor early and that i did, 8 days early.
on Saturday, october 22nd i started having contractions that were more intense but still really far apart so we stayed busy, went to the movies and then i just decided to go to bed early ( 8 o'clock) not knowing what would happen. at 12:30 am I started having contractions again but still far apart...luckily after an hour i noticed i was "leaking" and that it could mean my water was trying to break so i woke up Ryan and we went to the hospital.
luckily i was right and i was leaking amniotic fluid so that was a guaranteed admit to the hospital! woo hoo! we were admitted at 2:30 am and was started on pitocin to speed things up with my contractions and by 4:45 I had an epidural. things were still moving slow and i was really just praying that things would pick up at some point and i would have a baby by lunch. thankfully, at around 6 am my water broke on it's own and things picked up FAST and i was pushing by 8 and our sweet little maggie was born at 8:16 am.
it was a little wild, and happened so much faster than my others even though it seemed like it was going so slow. i was shocked when she came out and the dr. informed me i had another girl. i am so thankful! we now have three healthy girls and i could not feel more blessed. ryan is extremely out numbered and i think he likes it.
i'll try to post more on here! if you don't already follow along on instagram for the most up to date pictures of our life and for information on the store and sales! follow along @littlehcreative
now, enjoy images from our first week home with maggie!