little h creative kids

we had a little  photo shoot at the house last week to get our kids clothes and some adult shirts in our online store. we have a booth space at the alley cat in downtown wichita falls. (900 Indiana Wichita Falls, Texas 76301) if you are ever in the area check this little gem out. it's actually huge. great for thrifters, those who like antiques, handmade items, and a great source for getting items for any DIY project on your list. 

now that my store space is up and running great i have heard the demand to have my shirts and onesies online! i am proud to announce little h creative store will be stocked this week! i will be making an announcement via social media and my website! stay tuned!  

a huge thank you to everyone who came out and helped and brought your kids because this wouldn't have been possible without you. another huge thank you to misty humpert with two joyful butterflies for suppling us with cute headbands, bows, and those colorful feather leggings. adorable!