logo design work || gilbert creek gardens

I would like to introduce Gilbert Creek Gardens. They are a local flower farm providing the Wichita Falls and surrounding areas with sustainable fresh cut flowers. There are few flower farms in the United States and I am so happy we have them. Blair, owner, is so knowledgable and passionate about growing fresh flowers. 

When she came to me and wanted me to design her a new logo I was overjoyed. Logo and branding material is something I am very passionate about. 

She chose the package number two  and I am so pleased with how everything turned out! Here is a look at the the final logos. You can see more about what design services we off here HERE! 

I have a lot of people come to me and they don't have a clue what they want and think that they have to decide right away before we start. Don't worry, I don't expect you to know what you want! That's my job! I love to sit and chat about what inspires you and what you do and don't like. I will help you brainstorm and I also provide you with a branding questionnaire that really helps with decisions. I allow 3 revisions so there is no stress about having to figure everything the first time. My goal is to make your logo a positive tangible aspect of your brand identity. 

I've been really busy lately with logo & web design projects. Stay tuned for more and be sure to check out Gilbert Creek Gardens on Instagram and Facebook! @gilbertcreekgardens

engagement session || will + cassie

Introducing this beautiful engagement session taken in Charlie, Texas! Will, my little brother, and Cassie wanted to incorporate as much as my parent's farm as possible. We have a lot of pride when it comes to this land we were raised on. I am so thankful the peaches were in blossom and the weather was great. I am so happy for these two love birds and can't wait for the wedding in September! Cassie you are beautiful! Enjoy!

let's talk business

If you follow me you know I am very passionate about my business. I strive to help others reach their goals and understand more about the behind the scenes of running a business. Thought followed by action is key to success. I am so excited to announce I am going to be hosting a business workshop. This will be multi-series workshop and the first series is all about STARTING.

If you are…

  • in the works of starting a business
  • thinking about starting a business
  • in business and wanting to see change
  • running a successful business but wanting to revamp or get focused again…

This workshop is for YOU. 

I will give you my experiences, my story, tell you about my trial and errors but we will also talk so much about YOU & YOUR BUSINESS.  Many people never begin or take action because they have no idea where to start. This workshop will inspire you to take that leap of faith and go for it. 

We will talk about goals, vision and purpose. We will brainstorm together, answer questions and really get those wheels turning. I will be collaborating with other professionals who can help you get started. 

You can go to our event page to learn more about attending! I have put a lot of time and thought into this workshop because I love inspiring others and getting to see others take a dream and make it a reality. I've been to a number of workshops and conferences to better my business. Not only did these experiences get me really excited to take action but also allowed me to network and realize I wasn't alone. Collaborating and networking is so important! And my hopes are we have lots of passionate people attend and together make something great! 

BIG NEWS || we are moving

So...this is the big news. It's been in the works for MONTHS and the papers are finally signed and we have closed on a building in downtown Wichita Falls. We have loved being apart of this growing community downtown and it's going to be bitter sweet leaving our little store space on 7th street. Opening the store was a huge leap of faith and now we are taking an even bigger leap to own our very own brick and mortar. I will be moving my screen printing studio into the building along with expanding our store front space. I AM SO EXCITED! For the past 8 years of owning my screen printing business I've never had it in a place that had heating and cooling. Which means it was a sweat shop (literally) in the summer and I froze my buns off in the winter. 

To think I am going to be in a clean and happy environment is making my creative juices go nuts. I am in the works of designing some amazing new tees. I will be expanding what I print in hopes to bring you more of my ideas and passions. I truly love working with my hands and getting to meet so many wonderful people. 

We have some major renovations to tackle this month in hopes to open February 2017. Please, if you don't already, follow along on my Instagram and Facebook accounts. I will be sharing a few behind the scenes of our store and keeping you updated. 

back in business

i am so thankful i took a maternity leave from custom printing and photography sessions after i had Maggie. i have been able to focus on the kids and enjoy this holiday season - it's been wonderful. as a creative entrepreneur i am now going a little stir crazy and am really excited to get back to work and do what i love. i am now accepting custom print orders and along with photography and design projects.  i will be at the store a couple days a week along with working from home. please feel free to contact me via the website form or via email >>> kathryn@littlehcreative.com 

i'd be glad to answer any questions and give you a quote. i hope all of you had a great Christmas and have wonderful things planned for the new year! 

2017 : embrace it.

2017, i'm glad you are here. i have big news that i can't share with you yet. i have to wait until everything is final and ... it's hard. 

all i can say is this year is going to be a really good year full of new and exciting things. it's going to be an adventure that i don't know where the road leads. 

my 2016 word was TRUST.  (see previous blog post about what trust meant to me)

my 2017 word is EMBRACE.

this year my focus is going to be on embracing this new season of life ryan and i are in. three little ladies a full time and growing business. most days we have no idea what's going on and i'm thankful we have each other on this journey of parenting and owning a business. it can be really hard and i think the only way to get through it is to embrace it. love and cherish these wild moments. 

i am going to work on embracing my faith. giving time to the Lord because He is my everything. He has blessed me so abundantly and i feel like i've lost my fire and need that to be the center of my being, family and business. 

WHAT IS YOUR WORD? i encourage you to stop and think about it. because when you are feeling lost this year all you have to remember is one word. 

i've been answering a question about myself via my email subscription and if encourage you if you haven't already subscribed, sign up. i am going to try and use my newsletters as a way to keep you updated on business news, sales and life. 


learning from mistakes.jpg

i feel like this question pertains to this time of year. reflection on mistakes to growth. 

yes, i've made a ton of mistakes and most of them in some way, depending on how you look at it, has led to success. 

when i started printing i feel like the first few years were all about mistakes and learning the best way for me to print, prep screens, clean screens, etc. 

when it comes to photography and design projects, i started saying "yes" to everything. any client that came my way i did what they ask. to an extent it's good to go outside your comfort zone and do what your client wants but it also can be a very bad thing. your clients should book you because they love your style and they believe you can capture them. just the way they see themselves everyday.  saying "yes" too much has made me realize what my style is, what i like to shoot, how i edit, what clients i work with and what clients are the best fit for me.  

anytime something goes wrong or i have a bad feeling about a session or project i try to see the positive. with every mistake or unplanned event i hope to gain from it because if i don't, they will happen again and again. 

a year in review || 2016

well the year is almost over and usually i'm like wow, i can't believe it's almost over but i have to say this year was a long and wonderful year. i opened the store at the first of the year and soon found out we were expecting our third little human. it. was. hard. being sick is not my jam. 

if i had to pick one word for 2016 it would be ..... trust. i had to trust in the Lord that opening the store space on 7th was the right move. i had to trust that it would work. i had to trust in myself. i had to trust that our baby growing in my belly was safe and healthy.  pretty much,  i had to trust the dream.

i have received so much affirmation about the business and store this year.  i booked more photography clients, design clients and printed more custom orders than ever before. i have so much to learn and am continuously inspired by those around me and the people who support my little store of handmade happiness. 

i have really BIG news to share with you next week but until then i would like to say thank you to everyone who follows along. i have big goals for 2017. 

the girls of grown SO much this year. annie turned 5, jane turned 3 and we welcomed another beautiful girl to our family in october, maggie ann. we bought a camper and hope to enjoy many more camping trips this year as a family. 

i encourage you to think about your word for this past year. what was it and looking forward, what is your word for 2017? comment below! i'd love to hear. now...picture overload from this past year. 

business : questions answered

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business questions answered || i'd love to get some feedback on if you like me doing this, would you like to hear more? do you have a question to ask? 

is there something/service i offer that you would like to hear more about? i'm looking forward to 2017 and have some goals and plans for a workshop or e-course and i'd love feedback on what you'd like to have available and learn more about. 

my focus is on providing resources for entrepreneurs relating to business // social media // branding - what else?

tool - camera and when printing, all of it. i've been trying to think of a piece of equipment that is most important or that i could live without and i can't.

object - laptop, i have three parts to my business; photography, graphic design, and screen printing. i use my laptop all day. to edit, design, communicate, and much more.

ritual - my morning cup of coffee. it's the first thing we do in the morning is brew the coffee. without it, let's be honest, a big grump


this is a loaded question that i get a lot.

1. start fresh and smart which means do your homework on the market. is there a need and want for what you are creating? even if the market is heavily saturated on what you do, can you make it different? what separates you from the rest?

2. spend the money and hire a professional to create a quality logo so that your presence can be taken seriously. your brand and business will appreciate it!

3. and this might be the most important, don't try to do everything yourself!!! talk to and ask questions to other entrepreneurs.


another hard one for me to put into words. success to me is that feeling i get when my clients are happy and voice their appreciation for what i've done. whether a portrait session, a custom screen printing job or the way someone reacts when they come in the store. as long as i can help people in any form i feel successful.

weekly update

it's been a busy week and i marked a major "to-do" off my list. i finally got my email subscription up! i've had a request for a subscription and it is now available. i do most of my updates on social media, preferably Instagram, and i know there is a large amount of people who aren't on Instagram or Facebook. my hope is that i can keep you updated on sales, business and share some of my thoughts and inspirations with you a bit more easily.  

so you can get to know me a little better i am going to answer one question about me/my business in each email. my weekly blog post will include these questions in case you missed the email or didn't have a chance to read. i encourage you if you are a small business owner or part time creative, to stop and think about your answers to these questions. taking this time to stop and reflect has helped me tremendously! and if you ever have a question for me please leave them in the comments!

so here we go 


this one is hard, i grew up on a produce farm which was really hard work. i admire and look up to my dad who worked for himself and provided for our family. i always dreamed of working for myself like him but with no clear direction on what that would be. after graduating high school i decided i wanted to be a speech therapist and that lasted one semester. i then went into business marketing with no plan. it wasn't until i took a business entreprenuer class when it all clicked. i loved the class, the professor and it just so happens that semester i bought my current screen printing business. i knew nothing about it but was instantly sold. it has been a lot of trail and error but i am so thankful were it has brought me today. 


hands down, friends and family and the other aspect of this is time. running a business takes so much time and energy. this time and energy isn't just associated with "starting out" it's never ending and i think the biggest obstacle is learning how to manage your time so you can give the appropiate amount of time to your family and friends.

i love to socialize and entertain. i love people and i really love my family. since i've taken little h creative full time i have felt an emptiness that comes from not being able to entertain and have my girl time. i miss so many of my friends. i've learned to manage my time to give my family quality time but continue to find a way i can see my friends more. i think it's the phase of life i'm in with young children and a new business. all i can do currently is love life, pray, and be thankful for all that i do have.

i am also including free graphics for social media or your phone wallpaper! here is this weeks free downloads!

inspiration // be brave // little h creative
inspiration // little h creative // business

so if you haven't already .... go subscribe!! 

life : welcome maggie ann

i haven't blogged about my pregnancy much the past 9 months because life has been busy. working, running a store, and preparing for this Fall/Christmas has kept me busy. 

i have shared so many of these photos on my instagram account but wanted to take time to post images from maggie's first week here and to write about her birth experience and entrance into this world. 

just a quick a recap - i was in labor 28 hours with annie, 18 hours with jane and both times i wanted to go natural. both times i did not. i really didn't have a grand plan for this labor and delivery except i wanted it to be "easier". this pregnancy had been harder and the entire time this baby just felt a little lower.  i really did feel like i would go into labor early and that i did, 8 days early.

on Saturday, october 22nd i started having contractions that were more intense but still really far apart so we stayed busy, went to the movies and then i just decided to go to bed early ( 8 o'clock) not knowing what would happen. at 12:30 am I started having contractions again but still far apart...luckily after an hour i noticed i was "leaking" and that it could mean my water was trying to break so i woke up Ryan and we went to the hospital. 

luckily i was right and i was leaking amniotic fluid so that was a guaranteed admit to the hospital! woo hoo! we were admitted at 2:30 am and was started on pitocin to speed things up with my contractions and by 4:45 I had an epidural. things were still moving slow and i was really just praying that things would pick up at some point and i would have a baby by lunch. thankfully, at around 6 am my water broke on it's own and things picked up FAST and i was pushing by 8 and our sweet little maggie was born at 8:16 am. 

it was a little wild, and happened so much faster than my others even though it seemed like it was going so slow. i was shocked when she came out and the dr. informed me i had another girl. i am so thankful! we now have three healthy girls and i could not feel more blessed. ryan is extremely out numbered and i think he likes it. 

i'll try to post more on here! if you don't already follow along on instagram for the most up to date pictures of our life and for information on the store and sales! follow along @littlehcreative 

now, enjoy images from our first week home with maggie!

wedding : presley & blake

what a beautiful day this was. the weather could not have been more perfect! i loved all the details of this day. wedding and event planner Mayfield Events did a wonderful job. presley's family was such a joy to work with and the love between presley and blake was so radiant and having the privilege to capture something like that is a true blessing. they were married at St. Boniface in Scotland, TX and the reception was at The Stone Palace in downtown Wichita Falls, TX. 

so here ya go! picture overload! enjoy. 

bridals : presley

to say it's been a little crazy would be an under statement so i apologize for not sharing these beautiful images sooner. i had the privilege to shoot presley & blakes wedding at the first of October and her bridals in September. presley is such a beautiful person inside and out. her dress was absolutely stunning! we took her bridals in the Montz Pecan Orchard in Charlie and it was just the perfect day. her bouquet was from Mayfield Events.

images from her wedding day coming soon! 

life lately : balance

i wrote a post awhile back about working from home and finding balance. like all seasons of life things have changed and my routine looks completely different. i very often get ask "HOW do you do so much?" "WHY do you do so much" and am always given suggestions like " you should cut something out"  or  "work less" ... while all questions and suggestions are welcome i realize no one really knows whats going on but me. of course ryan is in tune and helps keep me in check but there are still many moments in a day were i feel completely alone. 

owning and running a multifaceted business at many times is complicated but i wouldn't trade it for the world. i thoroughly enjoy screen printing, photography and graphic design. there are times i want to cut out one but can't wrap my head around it. 

today while screen printing multiple custom orders i realized i am able to offer a variety of services and enjoy each of them is because i need each of them to keep me focused and on track. even though i enjoy it, i don't think i could be out in the screen printing studio for 8+ hours a day. same goes with photography and graphic design. by doing different jobs that are very different from each other i get excited about working on each one. i don't get burned out and i look forward to each new client.  

i've always struggled with the ability to stay on track. school was a challenge. offering different services which allow me to work with my hands and interact with people brings me great joy and gives me balance. 

with baby #3 to arrive in october, i will be fine tuning each of the services i offer to best fit our family but no single one will be deleted. stay tuned for those updates!! 

postpartum hospital session : truly mason

july and august have been a busy couple of months spent at the hospital. so many sweet sweet babies being born. i would like to introduce ms. truly mason. she was born early in the morning on my birthday and i think she is just the cutiest little babe. i know her big brother and parents are just smitten with her. you are loved truly joanna. 

i love doing these postpartum hospital sessions, they are easy to plan. i can either take the day of or the day after you have the baby. the sessions last around 30 minutes. i have some great recommendations as far as introducing siblings or grandparents to their new addition for the first time. if you'd like to find to find our more just contact me and i can give you some details. i will be booking the rest of August and September but taking a break ( to have my baby ) in October & November. 

Enjoy! the sweetness is almost too much. 

newborn lifestyle session: noah + reilly family

i would like to introduce this sweet family of four. newborn lifestyle sessions are one of my favorite things to shoot. anything lifestyle really. it's natural, unposed, and i get to step back and capture the love that's interwoven through the house and each family member. as parents our goal is to keep our children safe and to show them love. love was present in this house and it gave me all the warm feelings. babies are such a blessing and it's a beautiful thing to watch how that little blessing can make a house feel so warm and cozy. 

congrats amy & andrew! thank you for inviting me into your home to capture this beautiful time in your lives. 

contact me if you'd like to book a newborn lifestyle session. spaces are limited for August and September. 

introducing RAMBLE APPAREL

So I announced the new project of RAMBLE APPAREL @rambleapparel on Instagram and now I want to talk a little bit about the process of getting something like this started. First there is the ideas, the brainstorming, the endless pins on pinterest to build inspiration and vision but then there is the supper fun part ( or so for me ) is creating a LOGO! Before I start any logo board I create an inspiration board that completes my vision for the logo and helps create a brand. I like to create at a main logo and a sub-logo for a business, in my case, a sister company to my already existing business, LITTLE h CREATIVE. I went through 2 revisions and with the help of friends and family this is the final logo board for Ramble Apparel. 

I have introduced my first set of shirts and the fun part from here is having the ability to create whenever an idea comes to mind. One of the big things about Ramble for me is creating inspiration for men and women. Right now I have mostly ladies styles but men, you will have more coming. I have been working on my own path in the handmade creative industry, not just in business but I continue to work on my walk in life with Christ. I want everyone to know that YOU CAN do what you put your mind to. The store in downtown Wichita Falls, Texas, the graphic design projects I work on and the photography I am passionate about all stems from one dream of working for myself and not sitting at a desk. I enjoy working with my hands, sweat or no sweat. The first step for me was purchasing this screen printing business from my great uncle 8 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing but through the years have learned and embraced all the new passions and ideas that come my way. 

Like any new projects and ventures it's hard to get started and hard to get the word out. So if you get the chance spread the word! Let people know about Ramble Apparel on etsy. Until the end of this week I am offering 10% off your first order if you FOLLOW and Tag 3 friends on Instagram. CLICK HERE to go to my @rambleapparel instagram account to follow now! 

link to online store is HERE

summer family session // herndon

wooop! it's friday and i have this adorable little of three soon to be four to show you. they were serious troopers, we took the session out in charlie and it was hot and even worse, the gnats were on attack. they were flying in ears, eyes and up your nose. this was my last session charlie for awhile because it's just not fun, for anyone. 

thank you whitney and blake for making me laugh and being the best sports! you guys are great and i can't wait to meet your new little lady in a few short weeks!